Friday, October 7, 2011

RE: The dark.

I'm afraid of the dark... Still.
Yes, I too, am still afraid of the dark. I got this from my friend, Christian's blog. I may be 15 years old, but I'll admit, I still get scared to be alone in the dark and because of this, I do not sleep at night without having either my T.V. or light on. Yes, I know you guys are gonna say, " I'm wasting electricity " blahblahblah, but, hey! I'm sorry, it helps me sleep at night. If I am alone in the dark, I get all scared and start to imagine characters from horror movies being in the same room as me, just watching me or are trying to get me. After imagining this, I begin to run for my life to the next room. Some nights, I get scared that I hae to hide under my blankets and fall asleep. Even if I get hot and begin to sweat like a pig, I still will stay under the blankets because I feel safe and the "monsters" can't touch me. haha
Hopefully, I get over this fear, SOON. but, I have a feeling that I will still be scared of the dark when I'm a senior, and possibly after my senior year as well. who knows! But as of right now, I don't think I will anytime soon. The only time I can sleep with nothing on, is when I have someone else sleeping in the room as well. even then, I am still a little scared, but not to the point where I can't sleep.

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