Friday, October 21, 2011

CE: People these days..

Abu Sayyaf has been blamed for a series of kidnappings, including the abduction of 20 people from a Philippine island resort in 2001.
So, I got this quote from an article and I am just.. pissed. How could you let people get away with this? I mean, over 20 people kidnapped by these kiddnappers?! I hope someone catches these people SOON and have them put away for the rest of their lives. They have recently released an American woman, but they're still keeping her son and nephew hostage. Her son is 14 years old.. One year younger than me. Imagine if it were me. That'd be really scary and just terrible. I can't imagine what's it's like to be held hostage by people I don't even know. I don't know how I'd go through it. I wouldn't be able to sit there and look at the person who kidnapped me. Not saying I would want to be kidnapped, but if I were, I'd perfer to be blind folded the whole time I was held hostage. Although, now that I think about it, maybe the people who were kidnapped were blindfolded, but if they weren't.. then, damn. that's like a picture that'd stay in my mind forever.

I say this because, once I know who took me or know what they look like, I'm pretty sure it'll go on with me for the rest of my life. And if I were to ever encounter the same person/people again, I know I'd be terrified and speechless. I honestly don't understand the reason for any of this nonsense. Kidnapping? really? I honestly don't think it's necessary. My gosh.. what people would do these days for money/entertainment. This world needs to stop all of this ASAP. There's really no need for it.

1 comment:

  1. Kidnapping is truly horrible and you're right, the people who have been kidnapped may suffer from PTS later on.
    I just wish our country would handle these situations better....
    but then again, since we let our president kill whoever he wants without trial, in any country and a person of any citizenship, can we really expect other countries to treat our nation well?
