Wednesday, October 19, 2011

FREE: Happy Birthday, Mom!

Today's my mom's birthday! woohoo! So, every year, I make her a birthday card because I don't really like buying cards. It's kind of hard to explain why, so, I won't explain. haha, but anyways. I was suppose to make her a card last night but I feel asleep early. I only woke up at 12 to say happy birthday. So, hopefully today, I can make her a card because we eat dinner. So that after, I can give her her card and chocolate that I bought her. I always do this, make her a card and buy her something she rarely gets herself. This year, I got her Filipino chocolate that I barely see her having around the house. And the whole day today, I have been thinking about what I should write on her card.

Well, to start off, in my math class, I used one whole page from my notebook to practice writing Happy birthday, Mommy! haha, I wrote that in like, 4 different ways, and I like all 4 of them. Now, I'm thinking of whether or not I should include a quote from online in the card or should I just keeping doing what I do every year and say almost the same thing. I kindof want to change it this year, and that's why I wanted to add a quote, but, I'm not really sure on what kind of quote I'd use. Besides the whole quote thing/ what I'd write in the card, I've always had a little drawing included, but I cannot draw for shit. haha, and each year I'm getting older, and my drawing all stay the same. so, basically, I draw like a 5 year old. ohwell! It's the thought that counts, right?!

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