Wednesday, October 19, 2011

RE: Homework, homework, homework -.- .

" I can never do all my homework for a whole week which is very disappointing to me. "
This! I got this from Christian's blog, and I am in the exact same position. I am given a bunch of homework from my hp pre-cal class, a worksheet in hp chem that, most of the time, taskes over an hour to do because she doesn't let us take notes in class because she says it slows us down, therefore, I don't learn anything in class and I always have to google my answers for the worksheet. Everyday, I have spanish homework, even though most of the time, it only takes me 5-10 minutes, I always forget to do it because of all the homework I get from my hp pre-cal and hp chem classes. But, the bests thing about my teacher for HP pre-cal is that he understands that we have 5 other classes and so he offers us extra time on our homework if we need it.

I am glad he offers us extra time because last night, even though we got out of school at 11, I didn't get home until almost 9, and I had to help my sister wrap her gift for my mom's birthday today and I was just super tired. Like I said in my free post, I fell asleep early and only woke up at 12 to say happy birthday to my mom. Anyways, so, I woke up at 6 and I called and left a voicemail to my teacher asking for more time. If it weren't for him offering us extratime, I probably wouldn't have an A in his class because of all the homework assignments I've asked for extra time on. No me gusta tarea!

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