Tuesday, October 25, 2011

RE: Hp Chem.

My grades are looking good too, except for one subject, but I'm just going to blame the teacher. Yup, I said it. I'm stressing in her class too because she cannot teach!
I got this from Pamela's blog, and I am in the same position. All my grade are good, except in my Hp Chemistry class. And I do blame my teacher. Everybody that I know who has had or haves her now hates her class. To begin with, I'm in Hp, and we're suppose to go faster than the regular chemistry class, but how can I understand what we're learning if one: I can barely understand what she's saying from her strong accent., and two: she doesn't let us take notes because she says " you guys are an honors class, we have to get through 2 sections today and if you guys take notes, we will not be able to finish the lesson " DUDE. The other honors class is still behind us.. Aren't we suppose to be going the same pace?! So, I'm screw because I have a very low attention span and since we don't take notes, I have a hard time just sitting there listening to her read aloud the slides. And everyday we get a worksheet for homework, and I can't even fill out one single answer from my head. I have to go online and google all the answers.

Which bring me to my next problem. Tests. Because we don't take notes during class, she makes us takes notes at home. And again, I can't even take notes at home because my laptop doesn't have microsoft installed, so I can't open the powerpoints. So, of course, I always fail her tests and it's really disappointing. Luckily, we're working with math now, and I'm hella good in math. So, as of right now, I'm not worried about the next test because I'm really confident about what we're learning and I don't have to google any answers for the worksheets we're getting.

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