Thursday, October 13, 2011


So, as everyone knows, this week was spirit week! Tomorrow's friday, spirit day, and man! I don't have anything orange. Or, at least not that I know of, I have to look for something before I sleep. Hopefully I do, because I didn't dress up for any of the days this week. whooops! I wouldof dressed up for pajama day, but I didn't know and I hella forgot that it was spirit week in the first place. I'm kindof excited for the rally, they're always fun! I have a feeling tomorrow's about to be crazy! not in a bad way, ina fun kindof way. haha.

I think this week's spirit days were kindof.. gay. I mean, bro day? we coulda made that day alitle bit funnier and made it gender-bender day or something. 'cause bro day was more for girls than guys because you can't tell whether or not a guy is dressing up. It's bro day.. If it were gender-bender day, you would most definately be able to tell because he would obviously be dressed as a girl. Which is hella funny to see. I just feel like we could improve and have funner. Then, fake injury day? what the.. I don't know, I just think that was lame.. And the one question that I've asked EVERYBODY yet I've gotten no answer to is, why are our seniors' class color red?! Shouldn't it be yellow or gold? you know.. 'cause we're the hornets and hornets are black and yellow.. not red. I don't know, that's just something I've always wondered.. well, it's late, and I needa start working on my other posts. soo, bye!

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