Friday, September 30, 2011

ESSAY: The question with no right or wrong answer.

What is the meaning behind humanity? The definitive characteristic of humanity is the way we communicate. The way we socialize with each other, our need to read and write, and the many different ways we can communicate among each other. Us humans, have over 6,000 spoken languages today. In America, the main language used is English. We humans use our languages to communicate with each other, and there are many ways we communicate with each other. We communicate by writing, orally, and physically. Orally is the main way us humans communicate. Like I've said before, we have over 6,000 different ways to speak to each other. Well, not every individual can speak all 6,000 different languages, but everyone can speak either 1, 2, 3, or sometimes even 4 different languages. The different languages come from many differents parts of the world, and the many different cultures. A culture's native language strongly influences the worldview he or she will acquire as he or she learns the language. Speaking can help us humans learn just like writing can, but it's easier to evaluate how to improve when you have something right in front of you, and you can revise it as well.

By writing, we are able to communicate to others far away from us. Writing helps prepare us for school and employment, which in both cases require a lot of it. Writing helps us express ourselves and translate our thoughts for other people. Writing also allows us humans to reflect on our thoughts and ideas better than if they were to remain evolving in your head. Example, if my grandmother lives in Florida, I could talk to her by email, or letters through the mail. We humans also use writing as a way of communication to help us remember things for a much later use. Like, if I planned on going to the grocery store sometime later this week, and I knew I was not going to be able to remember everything I will need to buy, I could make a list of all the things I will need to buy. Writing basically helps us put thoughts, ideas, images, and parts of our knowledge onto a piece of paper for everyone to see. We can use writing to express our thoughts towards a certain topic, or a certain person or people. We use writing to help us brainstorm ideas onto paper, a computer, or any other electronic we can use to write to help us with a much bigger task we are trying to accomplish. For example, before writing this essay, I had to brainstorm ideas of topics I could possibly write about or incude. Writing allows us humans to describe an image in our heads onto paper. It helps us show each other things that we've seen and we want to share with others. Like, if I ran into a strange object on my way to school, I would write about it describing it as much as I can to paint a picture of it into another's head. We also use writing to help us educate both younger and older people. Majority of the students are kids, and we learn a lot about each subject almost every year in school. Subjects like math, science, english, and history. Writing also helps educate students with words from their language that may not be familiar with and teaches them the meaning of it and how to use it in terms of writing or speaking. One more thing that we use writing for are books. We use books as a way of helping us educate others, telling a story about a person's life, usually someone famous or well-known for something he/she has done, and much more. 

Another interesting way us humans can communicate by is physically, or in other words, by sign language. It is said to be the 4th most common used language in the United States. According to Wycliffe Translation Organization, there are 400 over different forms of sign languages in the world but most of them are not very well-known. They also claim that tese forms can be similar to oral sign language, or American sign language. Most Americans who use any form of sign language are deaf. When communicating orally, intonation is one of the most important devices used to communicate. When communicating physically, or by sign language, sight is the most important tool for a deaf person to communicate and receive information. With this said, deaf people use hand shape, position, and movements of the body, gestures, and many other visual cues to form words. With no exception, sign language and any other language expresses it's features differently and has many rules for grammar, punctuation and sentence order. Just like the tones of our voices change when oral speakers ask questions, deaf people use their eyes and eyebrows as a sign of asking a question. Just like some English words are spoken differently in differently in different parts of the country, American sign language is also changed throughout different parts of the country with ethnicity and age being some examples of factors that affect the language an it's variety. 

What's the meaning of humanity? I honestly have no idea, and I'm sure no one really knows, but this is my opinion on humanity in which communication plays an important role. Communication helps us humans express our emotions, thoughts, and our ideas and feelings can be shared. Communication is also important because we use it to network and to spread ideas among each other. Without communication, humanity will become isolated. It is a very important aspect of humanity because it helps us to connect with each other, and it drive the process of development in all the fields. With communication, we are able to send and receive information, be educated while interacting with each other, build and maintain relationships whether it is a business or an interpersonal relationship, and it helps us make decisions whether it's an individual or a group decision. 

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