Wednesday, September 7, 2011

BC: My life story.

Well, hello there! My name is Josephine, but I only go by that name during school. At home, I go by my second name, Crystal. I like Crystal better than Josephine, but you can call me which ever one you prefer. My mom never really planned on naming me Crystal, but my sister wanted my mom to name me after her doll, Crystal. haha, hm, let's see, my parents got a divorce when I was only 3 and my dad remarried and had 2 other kids. I live with my mom and my sister, and every once in a while, I get to visit my little sisters down south. I love seeing them, they always make my day and we're always full of laughter. I feel like a little kid when I'm with them, haha. My older sister, Lala, is hella chill and cool too. She's like a bestfriend to me. We literally tell each other everything. We've always been like that since I was little. I'm glad I have her here for me because I can always have someone to talk to about my problems and will understand and be there for me. well, I currently live in Alameda, walking the streets at 5'1, fun size! aye! haha, I'm 15, turning 16 on March 12, and 100% filipino. But sadly, I don't fully understand Tagalog, just a little bit. But, hey! I'm getting there. I've never been to the Philippines, but hopefully I'll get to go there soon. hm, what do I like to do? I love to sing and dance. I was suppose to join a dance group over the summer but the guy I was planning on joining with got too busy and we never got the chance to sign up. But it's all good, I'll just have to wait till next summer. I also like to hang out with my friends, joke around, sleep and just laugh. I'm easily amused. I will laugh at the most littlest things, ever. haha, I always have a smile on my face, or so I've been told. People say I'm a nice, respectful, smart, awesome, quiet, shy girl. but once you get to know me, I can be very loud and you may think I'm weird. But, in my prospective, the weird ones are always the best ones to know. You'll always be laughing and just having a good time. School? ever since I was little, I've always been, what they say, a math goddess. haha, math has always been the one and only thing I'm good at. The two subjects that I've never been good at or interested in are science and history. I don't know why, but they've never caught my attention. In elementary, I used to be very athletic. I played volleyball and basketball. But once I hit middle school, it all stopped. I stopped playing sports and I never got back into playing them. I tried playing again last year, but I've gotten so lazy that I didn't wanna deal with all the running. haha, yeah, I know. Lame excuse, but it's the truth. My goals this year for writing would probably to have the ability to just write about whatever that's on my mind instead of only being able to write about something specific. I want to be able to hear the teacher say, " Begin writing about anything you'd like. " and I'd be able to do it without any problem. welp, I guess I'm done here. bye (:

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