Friday, September 16, 2011

CE: Filipino rights.

Wow.. After watching this video, I feel that it is unfair that Filipinos in the Philippines aren't being treated with respect, especially when they are only working for $18 a month for endless hours. Not only do they do chores, but they also have to take care of their boss's kids. Aside from working/babysitting, they are abused and harassed after making such little mistakes, like not cooking the right food, not fully completing what they have to do. They are maids, but they are being treated almost as if they were slaves. Because of this, they are wanting to leave their country for better salary and to be treat with more respect.

Most of the Filipinos from the Philippines leave to go to Japan, Saudi Arabia, and even America. I feel that the Philippines should be more like America with their rights and freedom. The bosses of the workers should treat them with more respect because of their low salary and hard-working dedication. If I were to ever become president of the Philippines, one of the very first things I would change would be the rights of workers, especially the maids. I would make sure that each of them are getting paid no less than what they are getting paid now and are treated with respect. This video has made me think about the freedom we have here in America and appreciate how us teenagers are not having to work at an early age to support our family.

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