Friday, September 16, 2011

RE: A Day Without Music?

I can't go through a day without listening to music.
So, I kept searching and searching through all my friend's blogs and I couldn't find anything. I was about to give up, until I finally found this from Christian's blog, and I feel the same way. In my opinion, I don't think anyone our age can go a day without listening to music. For me, music calms me down and it really helps me focus more on my work. There will be times when I will loose my concentration for awhile and I'll sing along with the song and sometimes I'll dance while I sing too, but some songs are just so hard for me to not sing a long and dance to it. haha, don't you agree? OH, speaking of music, I'm listening to music right now as I write this post. LOL, and I just stopped for awhile to dance and sing.
If someone were to be more specific and say, "I can't go a day without listening to the radio" then I would not be able to say I feel the same way. In my opinion, the songs they play on the radio gets TOO played out. When this happens, I begin to not like the song anymore and it gets old to me. Even if it just came out a month or so ago. With this said, I love listening to songs from YouTube stars. They never get old for me. I can listen to them 24/7, and not be tired of listening to them. I feel that the songs that aren't played on the radio sound better and I can relate to the lyrics more. 

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