Tuesday, September 20, 2011

FREE: Monday.

Ohmygosh. So, yesterday.. It was freakin' hot as hell and I was wearing jeans, a tank top, and a black cardigan. I felt so disgusting, sweating like a pig. I was walked home and as soon as I got home, I took off my cardiagan and sat in front of the fan for about 5 minutes. I would of stayed in front of the fan longer but I had to go meet my friends at Tapioca Express. So, I put my cardigan back on and walked to TapEx. When we got there, I ordered a level 2 Crispy Chicken, and dang! it felt like I ordered a level 15. It was so spicy for me, which is weird because I used to order a level 5.

While we were eating, my bestfriend's auntie was there so she asked if she could us a ride to my house. When we got to my house, we watched t.v. and my bestfriend wanted some pancakes. So, I made pancakes and we put nutella on top instead of syrup. I love it! After we had pancakes, my friend's dad came to pick her up. After she left, me and my bestfriend went to my sister's room and played black ops. It was fun! I got the most kills, wooo! we played a couple of games then she had to go because it was past 8 and she goes to Encinal so she lives on the other side of Alameda. It sucks, but now whenever we see each other, it's special. the next time I get to see her will, hopefully, be on Wednesday. If not, then we won't see each other until the Island Bowl and we forsure will have a sleepover that day as well. I love our sleepovers, they're fun. Well, that's it. Bye! Have a nice day! (:

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