Friday, September 16, 2011

FREE: My weekend.

Friday, after I finished my homework, I hung out with my bestfriend. first, we walked around park st. because she was hungry. At first, she wanted a corn dog from Weinerschnitzel, but as soon as we got there, she changed her mind and wanted to eat a hamburger. So I suggested Nations. So, we waited for the bus which took about 15 minutes, and as soon as we got there, there were soo many people inside. Not only did we have to wait in line, but the making of the food also takes long. But considering that it was Nations, we waited & it was definitely worth the wait. So after we got the food, it was about 11 o'clock at night and we waited for the bus to go back to my house.
I don't really like hamburgers. Never did, I probably will later in life, but as we speak, I don't plan on it. haha, so because of this, I ordered Chili Cheese Fries, and it was m-m-good(: after we ate, we watched Just Go With It and it was pretty funny. Ofcourse, it ended how all movies end. You know, a guy and a girl get caught in some situation and one is there to help the other one with getting at a guy/girl. And during all this, they grow feelings for each other and end up being together at the end, but it was still good. The next 2 days, we went to the Jam Festival on Webster St. It was okay, I got a Flower shaped balloon from the clown. haha, then we went to McDonald's to eat, & then I spent the night at her house. we like to spend as much time as we can together because we go to different schools and we don't get to see each other everyday. Although, we try to. We try to see each other everyday whether it's a school night or not, we try to visit each other whenever we get the chance. And I'm glad we do.

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