Friday, September 23, 2011

CE: What's next?

Google Plus? What? Geez.. sooner or later, our whole life will be on the internet! We already have facebook's updates, but now there's a WHOLE new site? this feels like the myspace days all over again! How everyone would be on myspace, editing their layouts, hacking their friends' profiles, demanding to be on each other's tops, where on his or her's tops they should be, etc. Because it was the main site during the time, it went through many, many changes. First, with the new profile layout, the abitilty to add for than one song to your profile, etc. because of the changes, everyone moved to facebook. After joing facebook, I'm pretty sure everyone's felt that myspace was dead and boring. If facebook continues to change, in ways that majoity of the users don't like, 90% of the users will leave facebook and will most likely join google plus.

Back to google plus, it was made to over rule facebook? well then, give it a few months, and it will be successful. I honestly believe that this will happen. It happened with myspace, and it will happen to facebook. but, video conference call to ten people for free? saywhuut. everything is gettng so fancy and shit on the internet. I remember when IM first came out on myspace, or when you can video call a person directly off of facebook. People, becareful with what you put on your profiles! you never know who's reading every single thing you do and/or say.

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