Tuesday, October 25, 2011

RE: Hp Chem.

My grades are looking good too, except for one subject, but I'm just going to blame the teacher. Yup, I said it. I'm stressing in her class too because she cannot teach!
I got this from Pamela's blog, and I am in the same position. All my grade are good, except in my Hp Chemistry class. And I do blame my teacher. Everybody that I know who has had or haves her now hates her class. To begin with, I'm in Hp, and we're suppose to go faster than the regular chemistry class, but how can I understand what we're learning if one: I can barely understand what she's saying from her strong accent., and two: she doesn't let us take notes because she says " you guys are an honors class, we have to get through 2 sections today and if you guys take notes, we will not be able to finish the lesson " DUDE. The other honors class is still behind us.. Aren't we suppose to be going the same pace?! So, I'm screw because I have a very low attention span and since we don't take notes, I have a hard time just sitting there listening to her read aloud the slides. And everyday we get a worksheet for homework, and I can't even fill out one single answer from my head. I have to go online and google all the answers.

Which bring me to my next problem. Tests. Because we don't take notes during class, she makes us takes notes at home. And again, I can't even take notes at home because my laptop doesn't have microsoft installed, so I can't open the powerpoints. So, of course, I always fail her tests and it's really disappointing. Luckily, we're working with math now, and I'm hella good in math. So, as of right now, I'm not worried about the next test because I'm really confident about what we're learning and I don't have to google any answers for the worksheets we're getting.

Friday, October 21, 2011

CE: People these days..

Abu Sayyaf has been blamed for a series of kidnappings, including the abduction of 20 people from a Philippine island resort in 2001.
So, I got this quote from an article and I am just.. pissed. How could you let people get away with this? I mean, over 20 people kidnapped by these kiddnappers?! I hope someone catches these people SOON and have them put away for the rest of their lives. They have recently released an American woman, but they're still keeping her son and nephew hostage. Her son is 14 years old.. One year younger than me. Imagine if it were me. That'd be really scary and just terrible. I can't imagine what's it's like to be held hostage by people I don't even know. I don't know how I'd go through it. I wouldn't be able to sit there and look at the person who kidnapped me. Not saying I would want to be kidnapped, but if I were, I'd perfer to be blind folded the whole time I was held hostage. Although, now that I think about it, maybe the people who were kidnapped were blindfolded, but if they weren't.. then, damn. that's like a picture that'd stay in my mind forever.

I say this because, once I know who took me or know what they look like, I'm pretty sure it'll go on with me for the rest of my life. And if I were to ever encounter the same person/people again, I know I'd be terrified and speechless. I honestly don't understand the reason for any of this nonsense. Kidnapping? really? I honestly don't think it's necessary. My gosh.. what people would do these days for money/entertainment. This world needs to stop all of this ASAP. There's really no need for it.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

RE: Homework, homework, homework -.- .

" I can never do all my homework for a whole week which is very disappointing to me. "
This! I got this from Christian's blog, and I am in the exact same position. I am given a bunch of homework from my hp pre-cal class, a worksheet in hp chem that, most of the time, taskes over an hour to do because she doesn't let us take notes in class because she says it slows us down, therefore, I don't learn anything in class and I always have to google my answers for the worksheet. Everyday, I have spanish homework, even though most of the time, it only takes me 5-10 minutes, I always forget to do it because of all the homework I get from my hp pre-cal and hp chem classes. But, the bests thing about my teacher for HP pre-cal is that he understands that we have 5 other classes and so he offers us extra time on our homework if we need it.

I am glad he offers us extra time because last night, even though we got out of school at 11, I didn't get home until almost 9, and I had to help my sister wrap her gift for my mom's birthday today and I was just super tired. Like I said in my free post, I fell asleep early and only woke up at 12 to say happy birthday to my mom. Anyways, so, I woke up at 6 and I called and left a voicemail to my teacher asking for more time. If it weren't for him offering us extratime, I probably wouldn't have an A in his class because of all the homework assignments I've asked for extra time on. No me gusta tarea!

FREE: Happy Birthday, Mom!

Today's my mom's birthday! woohoo! So, every year, I make her a birthday card because I don't really like buying cards. It's kind of hard to explain why, so, I won't explain. haha, but anyways. I was suppose to make her a card last night but I feel asleep early. I only woke up at 12 to say happy birthday. So, hopefully today, I can make her a card because we eat dinner. So that after, I can give her her card and chocolate that I bought her. I always do this, make her a card and buy her something she rarely gets herself. This year, I got her Filipino chocolate that I barely see her having around the house. And the whole day today, I have been thinking about what I should write on her card.

Well, to start off, in my math class, I used one whole page from my notebook to practice writing Happy birthday, Mommy! haha, I wrote that in like, 4 different ways, and I like all 4 of them. Now, I'm thinking of whether or not I should include a quote from online in the card or should I just keeping doing what I do every year and say almost the same thing. I kindof want to change it this year, and that's why I wanted to add a quote, but, I'm not really sure on what kind of quote I'd use. Besides the whole quote thing/ what I'd write in the card, I've always had a little drawing included, but I cannot draw for shit. haha, and each year I'm getting older, and my drawing all stay the same. so, basically, I draw like a 5 year old. ohwell! It's the thought that counts, right?!

Friday, October 14, 2011

CE: iPhone > Blackberry.

After searching for a topic to write about for my current events post, I finally found this video on how Blackberry's company is facing service disruptions with the Blackberries, failing of profits, and their failure with the tablet launch. I picked this topic because my sister and I both used to be blackberry users and are part of the users who switched to Apple's iPhone. Blackberry's company is falling apart due to their users not being able to do what they want on their phones and their users are not getting the basic services which they are paying for. They're also falling apart because of their competition like Apple, who is attracting blackberry users to their iPhones. There has also been a concern on whether or not Rim is able to still exist on a stand-alone basis.

I can't believe Rim went from being worth about 70 billion dollars to almost 12 billion dollars. Even though 12 billion is still alot of money, going from 70 billion to 12 billion is a hell of a lot more. Aside from this, I don't think blackberry can be as popular as they were before now that Apple has come up with better and funner ways to communicate with others. For example, Apple has came up with the video chat called FaceTime where a person can chat and see with people all of the world. It's like webcamming but on a phone. Not only has Apple came up with a new way to communicate, but they also have multiple network services like 3G, 3Gs, 4G, and their newest network service, 4Gs. Being a user of both phones, if I were asked to choose between the two, I would most definitely stay with the iPhone because of the many apps it has and because of all the different ways I can communicate with others, ways that blackberry couldn't give me.

RE: It's friday? ALREADY?!

" To me, time goes by WAY too fast. " ... " That upsets me because each day I'm growing older and getting closer to graduating high school. I'm getting closer to leaving my friends and moving on to my next phase in life. Last year, I didn't spend my time well. I always slacked off and didn't bother thinking that once freshman year is over, it's over. " ... " Anyways, I only have two more years of high school and graduation and that makes me really depressed. "
This is from my friend, Julielelelelelelelele ( my nickname for her, LOL ) and for the most part, I agree with her. Knowing I'm almost 1/4 into my sophomore, and then I'd only have 2 more years in high school really sucks. it doesn't make me depressed, but it makes me sad to know that I'm growing up, and honestly, I don't want to. I don't wanna have to make big important decisions with my life. honestly, I'm not even sure what I wanna major in when I get to college. I don't even know what college I wanna go to in the first place! Even though I hate the work that I'm given, I like going to school even though 90% of the time I complain and say I hate school, but honestly, I mean, I hate working, I just wanna be with my friends and that's it.

Time really is going fast right now. well, this week did. It went by super fast. like, seriously. I'm kindof happy that we've been having alot of days of in school. We already have 2, and this coming tuesday we have a half day. AYE! Get out at 11:30, wusgood. haha, I already have plans that I've made longlong time ago. Anyways! So, tomorrow's already friday and I feel like yesterday was just monday. That's how fast my week went. Please, please, pleaseeee let my weekend go by nice and slow. I'd like to enjoy it. But, I have a feeling it'll go by faster than I know it.

Thursday, October 13, 2011


So, as everyone knows, this week was spirit week! Tomorrow's friday, spirit day, and man! I don't have anything orange. Or, at least not that I know of, I have to look for something before I sleep. Hopefully I do, because I didn't dress up for any of the days this week. whooops! I wouldof dressed up for pajama day, but I didn't know and I hella forgot that it was spirit week in the first place. I'm kindof excited for the rally, they're always fun! I have a feeling tomorrow's about to be crazy! not in a bad way, ina fun kindof way. haha.

I think this week's spirit days were kindof.. gay. I mean, bro day? we coulda made that day alitle bit funnier and made it gender-bender day or something. 'cause bro day was more for girls than guys because you can't tell whether or not a guy is dressing up. It's bro day.. If it were gender-bender day, you would most definately be able to tell because he would obviously be dressed as a girl. Which is hella funny to see. I just feel like we could improve and have funner. Then, fake injury day? what the.. I don't know, I just think that was lame.. And the one question that I've asked EVERYBODY yet I've gotten no answer to is, why are our seniors' class color red?! Shouldn't it be yellow or gold? you know.. 'cause we're the hornets and hornets are black and yellow.. not red. I don't know, that's just something I've always wondered.. well, it's late, and I needa start working on my other posts. soo, bye!